Inberg-Miller offers a wide range of professional services, including civil, geotechnical, and environmental engineering. Our team is trained in the areas of construction materials testing, subsurface exploration, environmental site assessment, air monitoring, compliance, and more. Whether you need permits pulled, an AutoCAD blueprint created, or geotechnical drilling, our team has you covered.
Civil Engineering
Our civil engineers can support your project from start to finish. From roadway design to residential subdivisions, commercial developments to water and sewer projects, we have the expertise to make your project a success!
IME brings its clients the necessary experience, expertise, ability, and equipment to provide technical engineering services. Our clients include private individuals, small and large businesses, mining, and mineral companies, and local, state, and federal government. IME is uniquely qualified to provide services from inception to close-out to our clients throughout the State of Wyoming and the Intermountain West.
As civil engineering experts, we bring our abilities, knowledge, and top-of-the-line equipment to every project we work on. Our goal is to make your project as efficient and cost-effective as possible.
- Transportation Engineering
- Roadway Design
- Site and Grading Design
- Subdivision Design
- Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE)
- Structural Design, Analysis, and Foundations
- Storm Sewer Design, Drainage Design, and Flood Studies
- Water System and Sanitary Sewer System Design
- Irrigation Design
- Permitting
- Construction Administration and Observation
- GIS (Geographic Information System)
- Drone Services
Civil Engineering Projects
Geotechnical Engineering
A good foundation starts from the ground up; our geotechnical engineers understand how subsurface soils and rock affect your project. We are equipped to support you every step of the way.
Regardless of scale, Inberg-Miller strongly recommends and can provide, a site soil investigation. These investigations provide information regarding how subsurface conditions will impact the project and provide a solid basis for your design which will ensure your structure remains sound. Our team of geotechnical engineering experts has been assisting businesses and residents in Wyoming and the Intermountain West since 1977. We have provided foundation recommendations for nearly every type of subsoil condition in the area and has produced structural drawings for various foundation and earth retaining systems. Our analyses and designs meet local, county, state, and federal compliance codes by using guides such as the current editions of the International Building Code (IBC), American Society of Engineers (ASCE, American Concrete Institute (ACI), and American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). IME has its own drilling equipment and laboratory testing equipment. This allows us to respond quickly to our clients and adapt to changes as needed. If you are looking for cost-effective solutions for your geotechnical engineering needs, IME is here for you!
Geotechnical Projects
IME owns and operates six geotechnical and environmental drilling rigs. We have been drilling in the Rocky Mountain West for more than 50 years. Our knowledge and experience will bring great value to your project. Our equipment is well maintained, regard safety as a priority, and are great to work with.
Our fleet of drilling rigs is designed to meet the needs of most any shallow drilling conditions. We have a CME-45 that is compact and can drill in tight spaces. We have two Mobile B-57 drill rigs and a CME-55 drill rig capable of most hollow-stem auger drilling applications. Our CME-85 is the largest and most powerful drill rig we operate and is used for more challenging drilling conditions and for deeper borings and well installations. The newest addition to our drilling fleet is a CME-55 track rig that can travel through rough terrain that is not normally accessible by traditional rubber tire drill rigs.
We offer a full range of drilling equipment including 3.25, 4.25, 6.25, and 8.25-inch Hollow-Stem Augers (HSA), Solid Flight Augers (SFA), Air Rotary, Mud Rotary, and a continuous coring and hollow stem-auger sampling systems. IME drilling crews also operate our air knife which is used for nondestructive Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE).
In addition to our own projects, we contract with consultants, private industry, and governmental agencies for various drilling projects.

Drilling Projects
Subsurface Utility engineering
An air knife is a safe, non-destructive excavation tool, which uses high-pressure airflow to penetrate, expand, and break up soil. Air Knife Excavation is preferred for high-risk areas such as underground utility lines, cables, or other sensitive underground infrastructure.
After the soil is loosened, the remaining material is carefully vacuumed away. When used properly, this tool prevents significant excavation of the ground and avoids the risk of damaging buried utilities.
Air knife excavation, also known as potholing, is accepted as the safest method to excavate underground utility lines, cables, or other sensitive underground infrastructure. Using air knife excavation eliminates accidental line damage and trench cave-ins, allowing workers to say safe on the surface.
For our environmental remediation services, we use air knife excavation for working around pipes, conduits, or sensitive areas. The air knife is also an effective way to physically locate the accurate depth of existing utilities. Contact us for more information on how our air knife excavation services can be put to work for you!
Environmental Engineering
Environmental requirements can be costly, particularly when not identified and addressed early on in a project. Our team is expert in identifying potential environmental conditions, navigating regulations, and determining timely, cost-effective solutions for most any project.
Negotiating the complexities of environmental issues can be a challenging task. The team of professionals at Inberg-Miller Engineers has the training and experience to assist any company or organization with a wide range of environmental engineering challenges. Our team provides site assessment, water sampling, compliance assessment, and environmental drilling to our clients.
We have worked with school districts, municipalities, private corporations, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, Water Quality Division (WDEQ-WQD). Having developed good working relationships with state and federal regulatory agencies, allowing us to keep permitting time to a minimum within environmental engineering and consulting projects.
Whether it be due-diligence or construction, Inberg-Miller Engineers can help you navigate your environmental needs.
- Phase I, II, and III environmental site assessments (ESA)
- Surface and subsurface exploration to determine extent of contamination/remediation boundaries
- Development, writing, and implementation of sampling and analysis plans (SAP)
- Spill prevention control and countermeasure (SPCC) plan development
- Hazardous waste characterization
- Underground storage tank (UST) remediation
- Design, construction, and operation/maintenance of groundwater remediation systems
- Solid waste – planning, design, and permitting of landfills and transfer stations
- Voluntary remediation program – site characterization and sampling
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental assessment, categorical exclusion
- Groundwater studies
- Geochemical evaluations/isotopic studies
- Vapor encroachment screens (VES)
- Asbestos survey
- Asbestos testing and inspection
- Asbestos building inspection
- Lead-based paint testing and inspection
- Mold building testing and inspection
- Wetland Delineation
Environmental Projects
From its beginning as Inberg Surveying Co., IME has offered Professional Land Surveying. Our team offers combined experience, and knowledge, and is licensed to perform land surveys throughout the Intermountain West.
While we continue to take on projects that are strictly surveying, many of our engineering projects include surveying, especially during the design and construction phases.
IME has a Certified Federal Surveyor on staff, this certification is required to work on lands in the Public Land Survey System and on Native American Lands. This program requires approximately 150 hours of intense training and testing.
We outfit our crews with state-of-the-art equipment tailored to each project’s needs, ranging from RTK Global Positioning Systems (GPS) equipment to robotic total stations. With our up-to-date equipment, we can easily convert it to almost any type of file format to be used in design software (i.e. AutoCAD, Civil 3D and GEOPAK). In addition to surveying and drafting equipment, our survey department maintains a fleet of support vehicles for travel in harsh terrain, snow, and water.
Our survey department has completed over 7,000 survey projects for land developers, contractors, industry, mining, agriculture, and government entities throughout Wyoming and the Rocky Mountain states.
The various surveying services that we have provided on these projects have included design phase surveys, construction staking, and right-of-way retracements. In addition, we have provided design surveys and construction staking for city streets, rural roads, and numerous highway construction projects. Call us today to see how we can support your next project.
- Drafting Services
- Design Phase Surveys
- Geomatics Land Surveying
- Drone Services
- As-built Surveys
- Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE)
- Subdivision Design and Staking
- Cross Sections for Road Design
- Ground Support for Airborne LIDAR
- Cadastral Surveys to establish section lines and subdivide sections
- Wind farm topographic surveys and construction staking
- Mapping site topography and existing features
- Cross-country pipeline and power transmission centerline surveys
- River and flood plain cross sections for hydraulic analysis
- Surveys to measure quantities and earthwork volumes
- Boundary retracement surveys to establish property lines and rights-of-way
- Construction staking to establish the horizontal and vertical locations of pipelines, structures, and grading
- Control point surveys to establish survey control points for project development and aerial surveys
Drone Services
Revolutionary equipment such as drones provides a unique perspective to your project. They can add dimension and value to a challenging project!
Inberg-Miller Engineers offers services completed with a drone, including aerial photography, topographic surveys, volume surveys, and remote inspection provided by our licensed commercial drone pilots. IME also supplements our traditional surveying services with aerial surveying and mapping services.
Drone-based topographic maps can be used to define boundaries, measure cut and fill, create pre-and as-built surveys, and access hard-to-reach, irregular, or dangerous terrain. Our drone surveys use state-of-the-art photogrammetry which transforms two-dimensional images into three-dimensional cartometric models. The use of photogrammetry technology gives our clients the ability to generate full-color 3D models of any terrain including orthophoto maps, 3D point clouds, and highly detailed digital surface models.
Call us today to discuss your project with one of our licensed drone pilots.

- Mapping
- Stockpile Volumes
- Land Development
- Project Management
- Damage Assessment
- Bridge Inspection
- Powerline Patrol
- Pipeline Patrol
- Tower Construction
- Marketing Media
- Property Photos and Video
- Rooftop Maintenance
- Forestry Inspection
Construction Materials Testing (CMT)
Inberg-Miller Engineers is a “one-stop-shop” for construction materials testing. Our labs provide fast, efficient, and accurate test results to keep your project moving forward.
Our team of engineering technicians perform construction materials testing for a variety of private, commercial, municipal, and industrial clients to test, evaluate, and monitor materials and processes used in construction. We use the most up-to-date equipment for field and laboratory testing of soils, aggregates, concrete, and asphalt. We maintain testing laboratories staffed by trained personnel at all of our office locations. We also maintain two mobile laboratories that can be used to perform laboratory testing on-site.
Our engineering technicians are certified through organizations such as the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) to perform field and laboratory testing of soils, concrete, asphalt, and aggregates.
Inberg-Miller Engineers has accredited laboratories in Casper & Cheyenne, Wyoming granted by the AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP). The accreditation status and specific standards for each laboratory can be verified in the AAP Directory by clicking on the individual office location:
- Field and laboratory testing of concrete
- Compaction testing of soils and asphalt
- Concrete and asphalt coring
- Moisture-density analysis (proctor testing)
- Particle size analysis (gradation testing)
- Soil plasticity (Atterberg limit testing)
- USCS Soil classification
- Direct shear testing
- Permeability testing
- Consolidation-swell testing
- Hydrometer testing
- California bearing ratio (CBR)
- L.A. abrasion & sulfate soundness
- Specific gravity of coarse and fine aggregates
- Sand equivalent
- Asphalt mix testing, including maximum theoretical, marshall, stability and flow, and asphalt content
- Floor Flatness testing
- Many other QA/QC services for field and laboratory testing of construction materials
Special Inspections

Special Inspections Services are offered in accordance with IBC Standards.
IME employs technicians and engineers trained and certified to provide special inspections in accordance with the International Building Code (IBC®), Chapter 17. Special inspections consist of the monitoring of materials, installation, fabrication, erection, and placement of components and connections that require special expertise that are critical to the integrity of the building structure. These inspections are in addition to the typical municipal inspections required by the building department specified in IBC, Section 110, or specific structural observations as may be required in IBC Section 1704. We also provide observation services for items not specifically covered in Chapter 17.
- Structural steel
- Structural masonry
- Reinforced concrete
- Soils (open hole reports)
- Spray-applied fireproofing
- Driven pile observations
- Drilled pier observations
- Engineered aggregate pier observations
- Helical piers
- Micro pile installation
- Compaction grouting