
Douglas Landfill

Douglas Landfill Converse County, WY Our Solid Waste Team has provided professional services to the City of Douglas since 1995. In that time, IME permitted a 120-acre pre-existing MSW landfill, capped and closed that same landfill, designed and permitted a transfer station, and designed and permitted a C&D landfill. We’ve also provided hydrogeologic services including […]

Phase I/II Environmental ESA

ESA Sampling

PHASE I/II ESAs ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENTS Various Locations Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) are essentially research projects into the property’s history and potential environmental conditions.  Phase II ESAs are performed if, during the Phase I Assessment, a recognized environmental condition is observed that may warrant sampling and laboratory testing.   Whether you are just doing […]

Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE)

Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) Through various means such as by examining historical property records and by diligently utilizing 811 utility locating services provided by municipalities, engineers are able to deduce if underground utilities may become a factor for a site that is under construction. In order to progress with the development and expansions of public […]

National Retail Chain Featuring 11 New Locations

Family Shopping

National Retail Chain Various Locations, WY Inberg-Miller Engineers has partnered with a national retail chain to provide fast-paced site development and construction of their stores located throughout Wyoming. We provided primary site information for feasibility and due diligence of the site’s potential. Once determined that the site was developable, Inberg-Miller provided full design and survey […]

Airport Apron Rehabilitation

AIRPORT APRON REHABILITATION Natrona County, WY The Natrona County International Airport (NCIA) is located approximately 9 miles northwest of Casper, Wyoming. The NCIA is Wyoming’s only international airport and it is constantly expanding, maintaining, and improving facilities to better serve both the private and commercial sectors. The Apron Improvement Project repaired and upgraded the apron […]

Gypsum Rail Pit Backfill Retaining Wall

Gypsum Rail Pit Backfill Retaining Wall Wyoming A Wyoming Gypsum Plant that provides an array of building and construction materials and manufactures products such as exterior/interior drywall and roof board needed to extend their existing plant floor. The extension would replace a rail line into the building with retaining walls that would confine compacted fill […]

Teton County Heater Repaving Project

Teton Countyheater repaving project Alta, WY In 2021, Teton County contracted with Inberg-Miller Engineers to provide Subsurface Investigation, Geotechnical and Civil Engineering Design Services, Construction Administration, and Resident Project Representative Services during the construction of 3.67 miles of road in Alta, Wyoming. The newly refinished roads are easier to traverse for residents and visitors and […]

FMC Park Road

Looking East on FMC Park Road

fmc park road Green River, WY FMC Park is a popular 638-acre community park with recreational areas, scenic views, and access to the Greenbelt Pathway located in Green River, Wyoming. FMC Park Road serves the park and two new subdivisions. IME performed services in the construction of a new street, storm sewer, water lines, and […]

Teton Valley Ranch Camp

Teton Valley Ranch Camp Dubois, WY In 2019, IME performed design, permitting, and environmental services for the Teton Valley Ranch Camp (TVRC), a large non-profit guest camp near Dubois Wyoming. An existing large septic tank and dosed leach field were placed too close to an existing wetland. When the drainage character changed due to a […]

Dry Creek Road

Dry Creek Road Fremont County, WY Inberg-Miller Engineers created the original Dry Creek Road design for a uranium mining company, with the understanding that the County would eventually take over maintenance of the road. The County obtained State funding for the reconstruction. At the same time, another mining company presented plans to start an open […]