Douglas Landfill

Douglas Landfill Converse County, WY Our Solid Waste Team has provided professional services to the City of Douglas since 1995. In that time, IME permitted a 120-acre pre-existing MSW landfill, capped and closed that same landfill, designed and permitted a transfer station, and designed and permitted a C&D landfill. We’ve also provided hydrogeologic services including […]
Spring Gulch Road Wetlands Delineation

Spring Gulch Road Wetland Delineation Jackson, Wyoming Spring Gulch Road is primarily used for residential access for the subdivisions near the golf course and airport north of Jackson, Wyoming. The road is also popular for recreational cycling. However, a section of the road has remained unpaved due to flooding and erosion along a 5,517-foot section […]
Newcastle Landfill No. 2 Closure

NEWCASTLE LANDFILL NO. 2 Newcastle, WY Inberg-Miller Engineers prepared a closure permit for Newcastle’s current operating landfill. One of the most important aspects of preparing a closure permit is deciding which type of cover system to use. The City asked IME to evaluate the different types of covers for the site to determine the most […]
Phase I/II Environmental ESA

PHASE I/II ESAs ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENTS Various Locations Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) are essentially research projects into the property’s history and potential environmental conditions. Phase II ESAs are performed if, during the Phase I Assessment, a recognized environmental condition is observed that may warrant sampling and laboratory testing. Whether you are just doing […]
National Retail Chain Featuring 11 New Locations

National Retail Chain Various Locations, WY Inberg-Miller Engineers has partnered with a national retail chain to provide fast-paced site development and construction of their stores located throughout Wyoming. We provided primary site information for feasibility and due diligence of the site’s potential. Once determined that the site was developable, Inberg-Miller provided full design and survey […]
Teton Valley Ranch Camp

Teton Valley Ranch Camp Dubois, WY In 2019, IME performed design, permitting, and environmental services for the Teton Valley Ranch Camp (TVRC), a large non-profit guest camp near Dubois Wyoming. An existing large septic tank and dosed leach field were placed too close to an existing wetland. When the drainage character changed due to a […]
Landfill Remediation Scoping Project #2

Landfill Remediation Scoping Project #2 Various Locations, WY The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality Solid & Hazardous Waste Division (WDEQ-SHWD) awarded a contract to IME under the Landfill Remediation program to evaluate groundwater conditions at 9 landfills to determine if they have impacted groundwater. The services for this project included: Installing monitoring wells using various techniques […]
Oil & Gas Environmental Services

Oil & Gas Environmental Services Converse, Fremont, & Natrona County, WY IME has directed environmental compliance services under provisions of the Oil Pollution Prevention Act, 40 CFR Part 112 for this client. The project included the completion of the Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan 5-year review. The review included engineering design modification of […]
Dry Creek Road

Dry Creek Road Fremont County, WY Inberg-Miller Engineers created the original Dry Creek Road design for a uranium mining company, with the understanding that the County would eventually take over maintenance of the road. The County obtained State funding for the reconstruction. At the same time, another mining company presented plans to start an open […]
Torrington Landfill

Torrington Landfill Torrington, WY IME was retained in June of 2013 to assist the City of Torrington in the renewal of their MSW balefill and landfill. Following our review of the existing subsurface soils, groundwater, and geology, it was decided to present a performance-based design (PBD) to the WDEQ instead of a more traditional geocomposite […]