

Newcastle, WY

Inberg-Miller Engineers prepared a closure permit for Newcastle’s current operating landfill. One of the most important aspects of preparing a closure permit is deciding which type of cover system to use. The City asked IME to evaluate the different types of covers for the site to determine the most cost-effective option. The options we considered were a compacted clay cover, a flexible membrane liner, and a water balance cover. Working with the city, we identified potential borrow soil areas and performed a subsurface exploration to characterize the available soils. Based on the available soils, we determined that a compacted clay cover was the most cost-effective choice for the site. We also characterized existing cover soils over older portions of the landfill to determine if the in-place soils could be used as part of the final cover system. We developed plans for closure which included grading plans for the site and borrow areas based on current and expected grades. We were able to have the Closure permit submitted on schedule and completed the permitting process in a timely manner with minimal revisions.