Dry Creek Road

Dry Creek Road Fremont County, WY Inberg-Miller Engineers created the original Dry Creek Road design for a uranium mining company, with the understanding that the County would eventually take over maintenance of the road. The County obtained State funding for the reconstruction. At the same time, another mining company presented plans to start an open […]
County Road 121 & Ekola Bridge Replacement

County Road 121 and Ekola Bridge Replacement Carbon County, WY The purpose of the project was to resurface the existing gravel road and replace the existing Ekola Bridge in preparation for anticipated heavy construction traffic during the construction of the Aeolus Substation. Inberg-Miller Engineers teamed with Oftedal Construction under a design-built contract to provide professional […]
Slope Stability Evaluation

Slope Stability Evaluation Absaroka Mountains of Wyoming An exceptionally wet spring de-stabilized a steep slope below this remote home in the northern Absaroka Mountains of Wyoming. A translational slide extending several hundred feet in length threatened to expand and eventually impact the house foundation. Inberg-Miller Engineers undertook characterization of the slide via subsurface exploration using […]
Residential Housing Development

Residential Housing Development Wyoming, South Dakota, and Utah IME worked with a developer who is committed to building quality, affordable housing in rural and underserved communities. We provided site design, traffic studies, geotechnical engineering, environmental site assessments, ALTA and construction surveying, and construction materials testing services for the developer on several multi-family housing projects. Liberty […]
Green River Drone Flight

Green River Drone Flight Green River, WY In 2017, Inberg-Miller Engineers completed an aerial survey of the Green River. The Green River was under a threat of flooding due to record high snowpack in the Green River Basin. The City of Green River retained IME to perform an aerial flight survey at the various stages […]
Sweetwater County School District #2 Bus Barn Parking Lot

Sweetwater County School District #2 Bus Barn Parking Lot Green River, WY The existing bus barn parking lot and fueling station for Sweetwater County School District #2 in Green River was at the end of its usable life. Years of bus and vehicular loading coupled with poor subgrade conditions contributed to an aged and distressed […]
Northern Arapaho Tribe Utility System Assessment

Northern Arapaho Tribe Utility System Assessment Riverton, WY In 2020, Inberg-Miller Engineers performed a comprehensive water and sewer system utility assessment and mapping project for the Northern Arapahoe Tribe. The engineering study involved water system well production, treatment, storage, and water distribution system and pressure zone modeling. The study also included individual component evaluation of […]
Casper Mountain Biathlon Club Facility

Casper Mountain Biathlon Facility Casper, WY This project consisted of designing and constructing a new biathlon facility on Casper Mountain. The project included geophysical bedrock mapping, balancing earthwork, topographic survey, construction staking, drainage, trail design, parking, and associated infrastructure. The project also included contract administration.The project involved multiple stakeholders including the State, County, City of […]