
Slope Stability Evaluation

Absaroka Mountains of Wyoming

An exceptionally wet spring de-stabilized a steep slope below this remote home in the northern Absaroka Mountains of Wyoming.  A translational slide extending several hundred feet in length threatened to expand and eventually impact the house foundation.

Inberg-Miller Engineers undertook characterization of the slide via subsurface exploration using our track-rig and topographic mapping using a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle). Our UAV provided detailed imaging of the slide form and features, and high-resolution photos of the irregular topography and steep terrain. This provided an accurate basis for slope stability analysis and design of the wall, grading, and drainage improvements.

IME performed laboratory testing and slope stability analysis to understand slide conditions and develop recommendations to protect the home. A soil nail wall was constructed above the slide to preserve the integrity of soil supporting the house foundation. The slope was re-graded and drainage improvements were implemented to move snowmelt and stormwater down-slope and safely away to natural drainage.