Landfill Remediation
Scoping Project #2
Various Locations, WY
The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality Solid & Hazardous Waste Division (WDEQ-SHWD) awarded a contract to IME under the Landfill Remediation program to evaluate groundwater conditions at 9 landfills to determine if they have impacted groundwater. The services for this project included:
- Installing monitoring wells using various techniques
- Survey and mapping of monitoring well network and groundwater mapping
- Quarterly collection of groundwater samples at new and existing wells
- Statistical analysis of new and existing test results
- Evaluation and determination of the adequacy of current monitoring networks
- Coordination of monitoring well installation with landowners and agencies
- Preparation of Work Plans for each site outlining specific objectives and methods
- Perform in-situ Hydraulic Conductivity Testing
- Issue a final detailed report that is easy to read and useful for future assessment
- Provide remediation priority assessment and remedial alternatives

Tagged Environmental, Solid Waste