
Green River Landfill

Green River, WY

Inberg-Miller has provided landfill engineering services for the City of Green River since 1991. On April 3, 2013, WDEQ-SHWD approved the closure of the old Green River Landfill and by September 3, 2019, the existing Green River Landfill entered the post-closure period.

IME and our consultant, Souder, Miller & Associates (SMA), completed the permitting, design, and construction of the Green River Landfill in 2019. Our team prepared materials and assisted the City with the ownership transaction of 20 acres from BLM to the City. This included landfill design and operating permitting, renewal and closure permitting, geotechnical exploration, monitoring well installation, boundary and construction surveying, modeling, cap design, construction administration and quality control, and environmental monitoring services. SMA assisted IME in the design and construction quality administration of the liner system.

The project was completed as part of the State of Wyoming Cease and Transfer Program, a program that assists communities in closing small unlined landfills and transferring their waste to regional landfills.


Post-closure monitoring continues today at the existing landfill and includes groundwater and methane monitoring, statistical evaluation, and post-closure inspections.