
Douglas Landfill

Converse County, WY

Our Solid Waste Team has provided professional services to the City of Douglas since 1995. In that time, IME permitted a 120-acre pre-existing MSW landfill, capped and closed that same landfill, designed and permitted a transfer station, and designed and permitted a C&D landfill. We’ve also provided hydrogeologic services including monitoring well installation, groundwater sampling, geochemical evaluation, groundwater statistics, and compliance work.  

Some of the Douglas Landfill project highlights include:

  • Developed a phased closure of the existing landfill using site soils to minimize costs and maximized landfill use. The closure with an earthen clay cap resulted in savings of over 50% of the cost as compared to a prescriptive geomembrane cover system.
  • In order to reduce the total amount of waste handled through the transfer station, Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) was diverted and placed in a permitted C&D Landfill on the same property. The City of Douglas now handles all of its waste streams at the site of the landfill, including composting of green waste and diversion of recyclable commodities.
  • Partially funded the transfer station with Wyoming State Mineral Royalty Grants.
  • Maintained compliance with water quality rules through a detailed explanation of site flow regimes and natural groundwater geochemistry by strategic placement of site monitoring wells.