
Town of Wheatland Pathway Plan

Wheatland, WY

The Town of Wheatland needed to update their pathway master plan so they could apply for future funding to construct future portions of the pathway system. To this end, Inberg-Miller Engineers created the Wheatland Pathway Master Plan in 2022.

The Wheatland Town Council recognized that maintaining and expanding the trail network for non-vehicular connectivity throughout and adjacent to the town was essential to enhancing the quality of life in Wheatland for both its residents and visitors.

Our team worked closely with The Town of Wheatland staff, a steering committee, and the community to develop a plan that would serve the community for years to come. In order to create a plan that represented all viewpoints and needs, IME developed a website, held multiple public meetings, and provided online opportunities to submit input and prioritize future pathway segments, ensuring that residents had a voice in the project.

The completed plan provided analyses of existing facilities, proposed pathway locations, construction estimates, funding opportunities, and design options for pathways. The final pathway plan also included pathway segment details, right-of-way analysis, and detailed cost estimates, and has given the Town the necessary information to apply for future grants to further the construction of their pathway.