Geotechnical Drilling
Intermountain West Region
We have drilled thousands of test borings and sampled soil and rock from North Dakota to areas of New Mexico. As a result, we are very familiar with the range of geologic conditions that can be encountered throughout the Intermountain West Region.
We offer our clients a fleet of geotechnical and environmental drilling rigs consisting of Mobile Drill B-57s and Central Mining Equipment (CME-45, CME-55, and CME-85 models). Soil drilling tools include hollow-stem augers (HSA), solid flight augers (SFA), split spoon samplers, California tube samplers, shelby tube samplers, and a continuous sampling system. Rock drilling tools include air and mud rotary systems, and a NQ wireline coring system for rock coring.
I’d like to that the entire IME team that supported our field explorations and lab testing for the project. We hit the target completion depths, field time durations, and exploration data objectives. IME also hammered out all of the lab testings right on time. Our DRAFT geotechnical report was submitted yesterday…a week early. The entire IME team deserves a gold star. In particular, I would like to thank Justin for such fine attention and quick responses to all of my requests. Two gold stars for him!
Moi Arzamendi, PE, GE Director, Geotechnical Engineer