Stockpile Survey
Stockpile Survey Lander, Wyoming During the course of reconstructing the Wyoming State Training School, currently known as the Wyoming Life Resource Center, substantial demolition and regrading was required. This work produced varied materials that were temporarily stockpiled in a designated area, each with different material characteristics that would determine where and how they were to […]
Sherard Hydroelectric Facility
Sherard Hydroelectric Facility Laramie County, WY IME provided P.E.I., the general contractor, with materials and soil testing as well as masonry inspections for the Sherard Hydroelectric Facility being built at the Cheyenne Water treatment plant. The purpose of this project is to use the water flowing from Curt Gowdy State Park to produce additional power […]
WyoLink Communication Towers
WyoLink Communication Towers Various Locations, WY WyoLink provides communications for public safety and service agencies across Wyoming, within and outside of their home areas. The system is interoperable, meaning that agencies can directly communicate with each other in larger scale events and operations, whether they are nearby or even across the state. In 2019, WyoLink began […]
Landfill Remediation Scoping Project #2
Landfill Remediation Scoping Project #2 Various Locations, WY The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality Solid & Hazardous Waste Division (WDEQ-SHWD) awarded a contract to IME under the Landfill Remediation program to evaluate groundwater conditions at 9 landfills to determine if they have impacted groundwater. The services for this project included: Installing monitoring wells using various techniques […]