Sweetwater County School District #2 Bus Barn Parking Lot
Green River, WY
The existing bus barn parking lot and fueling station for Sweetwater County School District #2 in Green River was at the end of its usable life. Years of bus and vehicular loading coupled with poor subgrade conditions contributed to an aged and distressed asphalt parking lot plagued with cracking, potholes, and unraveled pavement sections. Inberg-Miller Engineers was retained by the School District to provide a pavement reconstruction design that would meet the school district’s needs for decades to come. Following a geotechnical engineering analysis and subsurface exploration, IME provided the School District with multiple options for pavement surfacing with associated costs. A concrete pavement section was ultimately selected due to its durability and life cycle costs. In total, we provided engineering design services for the construction of a new parking lot for the bus barn and project bid documents for the project.
Inberg-Miller Engineers were involved every step of the way during construction by providing construction management and testing to ensure a quality product. The project has now gone through several years of seasonal weather changes and heavy bus traffic loading and is still in excellent shape.